Carin Anderson Renowned New Zealand Spiritual Medium

Carin Anderson Renowned New Zealand Spiritual Medium

About Carin

For comfort, guidance and support in communicating with the spiritual world, contact Spiritual Medium Carin Anderson. Carin is a New Zealand Spiritual Medium who’s Life Long Ability, has helped people in contacting the spirit world. Recognized for her friendly and honest approach and connecting with those that have passed over to the other side, Carin has brought a new spiritual awareness to many.

Carin’s Spiritual work and connections to the afterlife continues with helping those that have unexplained questions that need to be answered. Carin’s Spiritual medium work and online psychic readings, bring guidance to many peoples lives, including past, present and future information, that is passed on, giving people more direction in their lives today. Ninety percent of clients want to know about their lives now.

Carin has also helped with missing person reports, in New Zealand, Australia and overseas, passing on accurate accounts of information that have helped in solving crimes.

I’m based out of Auckland, NZ, but travel regularly for readings. Check out my schedule for more information to see if I’m coming to a city near you.

My name is Carin Anderson and I am a Spiritual Medium

Often people find my site by looking for a Psychic, or Clairvoyant, without realising that a Medium is really what they are looking for.

So what is the difference between a Psychic, Clairvoyant and a Medium?

A Psychic is the term normally used to describe anyone who works in the paranormal. We all know that our five main senses are, sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, however there is another sense, which is known as our sixth sense. This can be referred to as psychic ability, but is normally known as our intuition, or gut feeling. We all get these feelings, so everyone has a certain amount of psychic ability, whereas a Medium has fine tuned their extrasensory perceptions to allow them to interface with Spirit in another dimension.

A Clairvoyant sees pictures, images or visions, that are not visible to the naked eye, which flash into their mind. These images could include objects, colours, symbols, scenes, people, or spirits.

A Medium is able to communicate to Spirit by becoming receptive to the higher frequencies, and energies, on which they may vibrate, as well as feel and hear voice, or mental impressions from their world. Rather than use the logical or rational part of the mind a Medium will use the intuitive part of their mind, they will receive information through strong feelings, and emotions from Spirit.

The skills to be a Medium can take many years to develop, and Carin Anderson has a naturally born gift,  she has had all her life. Carin has helped people  in contacting the spirit world and is widely recognised for her friendly and honest approach when connecting with those who have passed over to the, allowing her to bring a new spiritual awareness to many.

The information that Carin Anderson has been able to provide for those who have been seeking answers to unexplained questions, that have needed to be answered through psychic, clairvoyant, or medium guidance, has been invaluable. Through her guidance, whether it be an online, private, groups or through her spiritual health charts, property cleansing and finding missing persons, Carin Anderson has given  guidance, and comfort to many.