Carin Anderson Renowned New Zealand Spiritual Medium

Carin Anderson Renowned New Zealand Spiritual Medium

Property Cleansing - Please Enquire about your different options.


Property Cleansing - Please Enquire about your different options.


Property Cleansing

Property Cleansing removes the uneven and negative energy of a property, where there are spirit/s energy that are blocked, trapped and unable to leave. Uneven and negative energy can also be related to the amount of foot traffic that has come and gone over the years, and what people leave behind, it is like a spiritual residue that builds up over the years, and then affects the energy of the home.

The buying and selling of properties is the same, when buying a home, property cleansing is important to remove any uneven energy that’s there. If it is not removed it could affect the energy of the person or persons, who live in the property, over and over again. For people selling their properties it is also important to remove the uneven and old energy, as at times it does affect the sales of properties.

Business and land areas also are the same, where businesses are affected by negative energy that has built up over many years,  which in turn results in poor sales of the businesses. Negative energy can also build up from neighboring businesses and properties, and this will have a major affect also.

Properties Cleansing makes a huge difference to the energy of properties and businesses, where the energy is changed, properties sell and increase in value through spirits work. The old energy is removed and replaced with uplifting positive energy that feels great.

Contact Carin  for more property information and pricing for your property.

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